Leaves on this Family Tree

Withering Away

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Sunday Afternoon Drive on a Mid-Day Sunday

1st of all, this is Annabell Lee . . . better known as Abigail . . . called Abby most of the time and, when I want her to show up for me she becomes, "Abidail Tiddydurl."

I don't know where :Abigail Kitty Girl" morphed into "Abidail Tiddy Durl" but it did . .  and she knows this is her name when Momma wants to snuggle . . . she comes running.

She is 14, I think . . maybe older. her thyroid is off kelter, and she doesn't always like to get her meds . .a cream that gets rubbed into the skin of her ears . .  but she is still her charming self . . . begging for anything we eat that is a product of milk

Anyway, this  is my Abigail waiting for me to get off the computer She is so patient at everything she does EXCEPT . . at night, she will lie on my hip (in bed) then over to the husbands, then back to mine . . I think she knows it drives the husband nuts so she does it.

Now, on to today's happenings. I have gone nits staying inside during this hot weather. So, the husband and I went to the Kick Off to our Canal Fest . . .the Tonawanda Club's yearly Sunday Morning All You Can Eat Pancakes and Sausage . . . Y-U-M-M-O ! ! ! ! Every year, no mater how hot it is, there is a breeze downtown.. The police block off one block of our downtown area . . . and if you have ever been here, you will know that IS the downtown.

Had a great breakfast . . sat outside, tables set up on the street, with two ladies and one of their husbands and had a great time . . . just taking about  anything and everything.

When we left, we came home and picked up Indy and went on our Sunday Drive into the Country. The country around her has so many farmer;s markets and little road side stands that people set up too sell their garden produce.. We went for strawberries, but the season is over.  Ended up coming home with 6 ears of corn for $2.75. When Gene opened the bag . . . you take what is bagged at this market, but you know it will be good . . there were 8 ears, since, we guess, the "bagger" thought the ears were small.

Anytime I am in a car, I MUST keep my hand busy. Beloware pictures showing today's project. I call it my Apple Chrysanthemum Potholder . . . I made it for Etsy, but if it doesn't sell . . . to my kitchen it goes. The name . . . when finished I thought the center looked like a Chrysanthemum instead of the intended apple.
Hum . . color is sorta dark . . guess that comes from a BIG cherry tree right outside the window.
Keeps the kitchenb cool, but plays havoc with the picturs.

This is better . . . .colors look truer here.
I think the center looks like a Chrysanthemum.

Thought this would give youa idea of the size.

The variegated back in use.

VAriegated side on display.

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