Leaves on this Family Tree

Withering Away

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Finally, The Rock Has Come Back to Scotland

If you aren't a WWE (World Wresting Entertainment) fan, you have NO IDEA what my  title means. However, if you  are a fan, or casual observer like moi . . . well, wrestling is my soap opera of choice, but don't tell . . . you know that Duane Johnson, known as The Rock, always says that when he is in the ring and the crowd goes wild . . like he has been waiting FOREVER to go to that town.

But, I, here comes my favorite word, digress. I have had two American/Scottish hearts finished for months. I wanted to finish them off as flat folds, but, never got around to it. They were to be Christmas presents . . . and, yes, Christmas 2011 . . . LOLOL

Since I knew I wasn't going to get them finished that way, I keep my eyes pealed to see if I could find frames I liked. Voila! AC Moore had red frames that worked.

Here is what they looked like after I trimmed the extra material away.

And here is the final product.

I asked my Ravelry friend Sue, who lives in Scotland, what would be the appropriate flag to use. She said the Saltire was very close to the hearts of all Scotsmen. So I joined the Stars and Stripes with the Scottish Saltire.

Now, I need to find some well padded envelopes so they will survive their trip to Scotland. One is going to the man who helped me find my maternal great, great, great grandfather Watson's family that still lives in Edinburgh, where he emigrated from. The second is going to Bruce, the great, great, great grandson of Watson's brother. As a matter of fact, Bruce's middle name is Watson.

If I am ever lucky enough, I shall travel to Edinburgh and visit the graves of Watson's parents, or, as close as I can get to them. Watson's father, whose  name was also Watson, is buried in Greyfriars Churchyard. You know, the cemetery where Greyfriars' Bobby stayed with his master's grave after his master died.

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