Leaves on this Family Tree

Withering Away

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tilapia with Brown Rice

The Title of this post doesn't exactly say it all. Tonight's meal was Tilapia, poached in pineapple juice, with red and green peppers.

The rice was brown rice cooked with chicken broth, roasted red peppers, black beans and pineapple added at the end.

Talk about a TASTE SENSATION! Well, a sensation for those of you who like Tilapia, brown rice and pineapple. Myself, I love the flavor of brown rice and pineapple . . . gives it a hint of sweetness that just accentuates whatever you are serving it with.

The recipe is very simple. Here are the ingredients for making 4 servings.
4 pkgs of Tilapia, (1 piece per package)
1 can of Chunky Pineapple in Natural Juice
Whole Grain Brown Rice
Chicken Broth, Low Sodium
Green and Red Pepper, cut into 1/4" pieces
Roasted Red Peppers (the kind that comes in a jar)
1 Can Black Beans (drained)
Chopped Tomatoes, if you have any, but not needed.

1. Preheat oven to temperature on Tilapia package
2. Place Tilapia in a baking dish, sprayed with vegetable spray, top with pepper chunks. (The amount of the peppers depends on your liking.)
3. Pour liquid from pineapple into the dish and poach/bake according to package directions.

1. Cook brown rice according to package directions using chicken broth as the liquid.
2. Slice roasted red peppers and tomatoes into similar sized pieces.
Add to rice along with black beans. Simmer.
3. Before serving, mix pineapple chunks into rice mixture.


  1. Now this looks yummy - but for the peppers. Not sure why but peppers stay with me for days.

  2. Looks yummy! I love Tilapia! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

    Navy Wifey Peters


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