Leaves on this Family Tree

Withering Away

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Finally, Ivory Snow "Flakes"

We were supposed to get 6 - 12 inches of snow
beginning Thursday morning
and ending
Friday afternoon.
I could have
and gotten more coverage
from snot.
(I know . . .TMI . . but it's true!)

Then, yesterday,
which was Friday,
we actually got, what I would call,
Ivory Snow Flakes.

I always wondered,
as a child,
why Ivory Snow was called Ivory Snow.
Once in a while,
in Indiana,
we would have flakes of snow
that looked like Ivory Snow flakes,
but not very often.

why was the bar named Ivory Snow?
Color, maybe?
Since I have been
in Western New York,
we have had a LOT of snowfalls
that look like
someone opened a box of Ivory Snow Flakes
and just started pouring them out.

These are pretty snows.
I have tried multiple times
to get good pictures of this snow.

I think that I accomplished it yesterday
.This is the scene out of our back door.
As you can tell,
we had a little snowblowing done.
The boy who does it
doesn't have the strongest snowblower
so this was as far as he got.
Since we don't use the garage yet,
still packed with s_ _ _
after 3 years ! ! ! ! !

Then, a quick glance
to the back yard.

This is the kind of snow that
Indy LOVES to run in.
I called her out,

got a video of her "carening"
around the yard
at her medium speed.
I would swear
if a dog could smile,
she would have been smiling, now,
from ear to ear.
(If you look close enough
you can almost see the smile.)

we are still getting these
flakes of snow.
The weatherman say
1-2 inches this afternoon,
the same this evening
and tomorrow morning.
So, we'll sede what happens.

No matter how much we get,
Indy is in
hog heaven
running around her
snowy race track.

Mother of a REAL Snow Dog
(guess daddy's Akita genes are pretty strong in her)


  1. What fun to see the dog run like that! :-)

    We were supposed to get snow, too. People run to the store to get a dozen loaves of bread and gallons of milk when snow is in the forecast around here. Crazy! --- Then a big ole blizzard of... nothing. Not a flake. :-)

  2. Indy is adorable! And, yes, I can definitely see her smile and the twinkle in her eyes.

    P.S. I have a good friend who lives in Bearsville, just west of Woodstock. He's a firefighter in Kingston. Beautiful part of the country!!! I'm jealous of your snow. :)


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