Leaves on this Family Tree

Withering Away

Friday, January 18, 2013

Breakfast of Champions ?

Bread Pudding French Toast

Oh Yeah . . . 
Bread Pudding
cut and fried into 
French Toast . . . 
Can the World
Be Much Better?
I Think Not!

If you follow my blog,
you will know that I am a 
of Bread Pudding.

It is a warm memory
from childhood.
Where in childhood,
I don't remember,
but a memory
none the less.

Make the bread pudding
the night before
then slice and fry
in the morning.
What could be easier?

Oh, I know what's easier,
eating it when it's done.

this is the easiest part of all.

Want the recipe?


  1. Paula Paula Paula - that is NOT on my to eat list! Wanna tell me in great detail how it smelled, felt, tasted?? I feel like Pavlov's dogs.

  2. What a fantastic idea!! Y U M !! Thanks for sharing! Pinning ;)

    - Brenda @ChattingOverChocolate.blogspot.com


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