Leaves on this Family Tree

Withering Away

Sunday, July 6, 2014

More Back Yard Pictures

The husband has finished weeding, digging, adding topsoil and mulching the back yard. It looks SO NICE around the edges. Next, till the yard and over plant with grass seed :)

Everything looks so nice and clean. 

Notice the Lilac bush on the other side of the fence? There were all kinds of trees growing in it and through to our side of the fence. The woman who owns the property never comes out to do anything in the yard, so we talked to our neighbor, that's their red SUV on the other side of the fence, to see if he had a chain saw that could chop the tree's down. Today, he came over with one of the saws he has . . . I think he must have every tool possible in his garage . . . the house they bought was small and, basically, he added another whole house on the back of the existing one, so he is one handy guy to know.

Cutting down the Maple Tree sapling.

Of course, we had our fur~babies out with us.

This is Nora, Mike's dog. She is just the sweetest pup there is. Before they "laid the law down" with her, when she would get bored with what the kids were doing, she would come up on our front porch so she could come in and play with Indy. Well, I really think she was coming in so I could love on her.

And of course, 
Miss Indy had to check out her newly renovated bathroom :)

I think she approves.


  1. Getting another step nearer, looking good.

  2. Nice to see the progress on your yard work and the doggies. :) My husband did some work on our yard this weekend, but nothing to brag about. :P Hope you had a nice Fourth of July.


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